Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Colleges Amongst The Highest Endowments

Following are the elevation universities in addition to colleges amongst the highest endowment income:

Princeton University (US) - It has the highest endowment per pupil of whatsoever academy inwards the world. As of June 30, 2010, Princeton's endowment was valued at $14.4 billion. The University's endowment earned a 14.7 part annual provide on its investments inwards the financial twelvemonth that ended June 30, 2010.

University of Virginia (US) - With the instant highest endowment of whatsoever dry soil affiliated academy inwards the United States, the University has achieved an international reputation through its comprehensive programs, expanding in addition to stair setting query in addition to might to attract leading scholars to its faculty.

Lafayette College (US) - It has 1 of the highest endowment rates per pupil inwards the nation. The College aims to seat itself amidst the top-tier liberal-arts colleges on such telephone commutation academic measures every 2d student/faculty ratio, financial-aid allocations, endowment per student, in addition to funding for library resources in addition to data technology.

University of Surrey (UK) - It has the third-highest endowment income of all U.K. universities. The University's ain query in addition to corporation activities, epitomised yesteryear the Surrey Research Park, are highly successful inwards attracting inward investment in addition to fostering links amongst many footing leading organisations.

University of Cambridge (UK) - In 2005, Cambridge full endowment was estimated at £3.1 billion, arguably the highest endowment inwards Europe. In belatedly 2006, the full financial endowment of the academy in addition to the colleges was estimated at £4.1 billion (£1.2 billion tied straight to the university, in addition to £2.9 billion to the colleges).

* Suggested Reading: Colleges amongst the Least Debt

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