Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top Universities Inwards Macedonia

Ss Cyril as well as Methodius University Skopje is the tiptop ranked academy inward Macedonia, followed past times Saint Clement of Ohrid University of Bitola inward 2d house as well as Institute of Informatics Ss Cyril as well as Methodious University inward Skopje inward tertiary place, according to the Webometrics ranking of Top Colleges as well as Best Universities of Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (July 2011).

The Ss. Cyril as well as Methodius University inward Skopje is the starting fourth dimension dry reason academy inward the Republic of Macedonia, established inward 1949. The University has the next faculties: "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology; Faculty of Agricultural Sciences as well as Food; Faculty of Architecture; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Computer Science as well as Engineering; Faculty of Dentistry; Faculty of Design as well as technologies of slice of furniture as well as interior; Faculty of Dramatic Arts; Faculty of Economics; Faculty of Electrical Engineering as well as Information Technologies; Faculty of Fine Arts; Faculty of Forestry; Faculty of mechanical engineering; Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Music; Faculty of Natural Sciences as well as Mathematics; Faculty of Pharmacy; Faculty of Philosophy; Faculty of Physical Education; Faculty of Technology as well as Metallurgy; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law; St. Kliment Ohridski Faculty of Pedagogy.

The St. Clement of Ohrid University of Bitola (also known past times the acronym UKLO) is the instant dry reason academy inward Republic of Republic of Macedonia as well as the well-nigh of import establishment inward the expanse of higher didactics inward the share of South-Western Macedonia. The studies at UKLO are organized inward v unlike places, Bitola mainly, Ohrid (Faculty of Tourism as well as Hospitality), Prilep (Faculty of Economics), Skopje (Police Academy), Kichevo (Faculty of Law) as well as Veles (Technological – Technical Faculty).

* Next: Top Universities inward Bulgaria

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