Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Qs Footing Academy Rankings 2011/2012

University of Cambridge (UK) is in 1 lawsuit again the highest ranked academy inward the world, according to the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking of the world's best universities 2011/12. This is the bit twelvemonth running that Cambridge University has taken the No. 1 spot. Harvard University maintained the bit highest seat inward the world, followed yesteryear Massachusetts Institute of Technology inward tertiary house (up 2 places from fifth inward the 2010 ranking), as well as Yale University inward 4th house (dropped a house from 3rd to 4th).

In Asia, the highest ranked establishment is the University of Hong Kong (22nd globally), ahead of The University of Tokyo (25th globally), as well as National University of Singapore (NUS) (28th globally). Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has jumped upwardly xvi places inward 2011, ranked 58th inward the earth (a quantum jump from 74th house end year). This makes NTU 1 of the fastest-rising universities inward the peak 100 list.

In Australia, the highest ranked academy is Australian National University (26th inward the world). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 full of five Australian institutions ranked inward the global peak 50. The others are: The University of Melbourne (31st), The University of Sydney (38th), The University of Queensland (48th), as well as The University of New South Wales (49th). Swinburne University of Technology has been ranked for the bit consecutive twelvemonth inward the peak 450 universities inward the earth yesteryear the QS World University Rankings. With an estimated 15,000 universities earth wide, this ranking puts Swinburne inward the peak 3 per cent of universities inward the world.

The peak ten universities inward the world:
1 University of Cambridge
2 Harvard University
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
4 Yale University
five University of Oxford
six Imperial College London
vii UCL (University College London)
eight University of Chicago
ix University of Pennsylvania
ten Columbia University
Source: Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd 2011.

* Suggested Reading:

QS Asian University Rankings 2011

Shanghai Jiao Tong World Ranking 2011

UI GreenMetric World University Ranking 2011

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