Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Primary Marking Plan Inward Mechanical Applied Scientific Discipline At Manlike Someone Monarch Abdulaziz University

The Department of Mechanical Engineering  bachelorofscienceinmechanicalengineering: Master Degree Program inwards Mechanical Engineering at King Abdulaziz University
The Department of Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Engineering as well as Desalination Technology) at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) is seeking outstanding college graduates from all over the globe to employ for the Master marking program.

Applicant should concur a Bachelor Degree inwards Mechanical Engineering alongside an outstanding marking (4.5/5 or 3.5/4 or higher). H5N1 TOEFL marking of 500 or higher is too required. Accepted students are supported through the Graduate Assistantship Program. The plan provides awarded students alongside the following:? 1. Tuition waiver. H5N1 monthly stipend of 2000 Saudi Riyals (US$ 533). Housing is inwards the University dorms.

Graduate assistants volition endure required to actively participate inwards interrogation activities, Lab supervision as well as other related duties every bit assigned yesteryear the department. Continued back upwards for graduate students depends on their mightiness to hold special graduate academic standards, perform interrogation related activities as well as hold a high flat of interrogation achievement through participation inwards authoring as well as co-authoring scientific publications.

Interested applicants, delight shipping the next data to the e post service address below:
a re-create of your transcript
a re-create of your diploma
a re-create of TOEFL exam result?
whatever other relevant documents

eng-the[ at ] OR aybokhary[ at ]

Dr. Ahmad Bokhary
Department of Thermal Engineering & Desalination Technology?
College of Engineering
King Abdulaziz University
P.O. Box 80204
Jeddah 21589,

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