Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Naval Architecture Too Marine Technology Scientific Discipline Schools

Top schools for Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering program:

University of New Orleans (UNO) - The UNO Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering (NAME) computer program is 1 of the fastest growing programs inwards the United States. The computer program get graduates for occupation every bit engineers, projection managers, together with trouble concern executives throughout the world. The faculty of the School of Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering is really active inwards question advancing methodology together with noesis inwards the marine plain also every bit supporting the marine industry.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The Pratt School of Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering, which was established through a bequest to MIT inwards 1912, is an integral business office of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers an undergraduate aeroplane inwards Mechanical together with Ocean Engineering, graduate degrees inwards Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering, etc.

University of Michigan - The University offers graduate computer program inwards Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering which leads to the M.Eng., M.S., M.S.E., Professional and/or Ph.D. degrees. The computer program has been restructured to suit the needs together with demands of introduce technology.

U.S. Coast Guard Academy - The Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering (NA&ME) major provides a potent undergraduate educational computer program in: Engineering; Mathematics; Sciences. The computer program is accredited yesteryear the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Webb Institute - It is a top-ranked undergraduate establishment offering a double major inwards Naval Architecture together with Marine Engineering. The computer program involves several engineering scientific discipline disciplines including send pattern together with systems engineering; marine engineering; electrical engineering; etc.

* Suggested Reading: Top Marine Biology Schools

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