Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top-Up Score Inwards Journalism

The next Britain universities in addition to colleges offering the top-up score programmes inward journalism:

Teesside University - It offers the BA (Hons) Journalism in addition to News Practice (Top-up Award) that aims to railroad train a high bird of professional person competence inward media practice, including journalistic writing, investigative journalism, professional person ethics in addition to techniques inward professional person tidings production. Candidates are assessed inward a diversity of ways including written journalism, deadline tidings stories, essays, presentations in addition to reflective evaluations.

The University of Northampton - It offers the BA (Hons) Journalism (top-up) score programme. Applicants ask to convey an HND or a Foundation Degree inward an appropriate subject. Assessments involve the compilation of practical portfolios, essays, reports on seminars, oral presentations, practical projects in addition to placements besides equally written examinations.

The London College of Communication (University of the Arts London) - It offers the BA (Hons) Sports Journalism (top up) programme which tin hold upwards completed inward i twelvemonth amount fourth dimension studies. Students should convey completed the LCC bridging shape which prepares applicants for entry to this BA 'top up' year. LCC is a globe leader inward delivering industry-orientated media in addition to blueprint courses.

* Next: Top-up Degree inward Education

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