Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top-Up Aeroplane Inwards Law

The next U.K. universities offering top-up score programmes too courses inwards law:

University of Huddersfield - The Law (Top-up) BA(Hons) score is aimed at providing students alongside a flexible programme of study, taking candidates on to the side yesteryear side phase towards qualifying every bit a solicitor or barrister. Assessment methods include assignments, exams too private projection work. Applicants must convey successfully completed a Foundation score inwards Business, Finance too Law; Foundation score inwards Para Legal Practice or Higher National Diploma inwards Law. In improver students must hold upwardly able to demonstrate competence inwards the English linguistic communication Language too thus must hold upwardly inwards possession of a GCSE inwards English linguistic communication Language at shape C aeroplane or equivalent.

University of Gloucestershire - Students tin go pinnacle upwardly their professional person postgraduate qualification to a Masters inwards Law (LLM) score too written report from anywhere inwards the Blue Planet at their ain pace. Applicants volition take away at to the lowest degree a postgraduate qualification inwards constabulary e.g. passed the LPC or BVC.

Bournemouth University - The one-year Honours score (BA) inwards Finance too Law volition furnish students alongside the chance to prepare the skills too cognition for a futurity career inwards the professional person too commercial Blue Planet of finance too law. Applicants must convey successfully completed a Foundation score or HND inwards relevant subjects.

* Suggested Reading: Top Law Schools inwards UK

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