Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top-Up Bird Inwards Psychology

Leading U.K. universities offering the top-up score programmes inwards psychology:

University of Nottingham - It offers the Forensic Psychology top-up programme (DForenPsy) which is approved yesteryear the Health Professions Council (HPC) together with accredited yesteryear the British Psychological Society (BPS) together with confers eligibility to utilize for HPC registration together with BPS chartered membership respectively. The aim of the programme is to allow postgraduate psychologists already asset a British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited MSc inwards Criminological/Forensic/Investigative Psychology to obtain a doctorate through applying their noesis to practise amongst victims or offenders.

University of Plymouth - The BSc (Hons) Psychological Studies score is a 1 yr 'top up' programme together with progression road for those who convey already completed a full of 240 credits at Levels 4 together with 5 inwards Psychology at other HE institutions recognised yesteryear the University of Plymouth. Research inwards the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth was rated equally 5 inwards the 2001 RAE, together with inwards the 2008 RAE it submitted 34.5 staff, making it the twelfth largest interrogation School of Psychology inwards the UK.

Cardiff University - Cardiff University's School of Psychology offers experienced qualified educational psychologists the chance to 'top-up' their Master's score yesteryear taking farther examinations together with atomic number 82 to the Post-Qualification (Top-Up) Doctorate inwards Educational Psychology (DEdPsy) degree.

Teesside University - The PsyD Doctor of Psychology (Top-up) programme provides a unique chance for qualified applied practitioner psychologists to update their flat of academic qualification to doctorate status. Candidates larn through lectures, modest give-and-take groups together with on-going private supervision.

* Next: Top-up Degree inwards Mental Health

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