Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top Universities Inwards Spain 2011-2012

Pompeu Fabra University is the altitude ranked academy inwards Spain, rated 1st inwards the solid soil in addition to 186th inwards the world, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2011-2012. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 full of eight Castilian universities ranked inwards the global altitude 400. The mo highest ranked Castilian institutions are Autonomous University of Barcelona in addition to University of Barcelona, both ranked at 201-225th globally.

Autonomous University of Barcelona is equally good ranked highly inwards the QS World University Rankings 2011, with an overall rank of 194th globally. Additionally, it is ranked inwards the world's altitude 200 for a let on of subjects including: Social Sciences (95th), Natural Sciences (99th), Arts & Humanities (124th), Life Sciences (177th).

The University of Barcelona is ranked 176th with the the world best universities for 2011/12 (QS Rankings), in addition to inwards the world's altitude 100 for the next subjects: Life Sciences (74th), Natural Sciences (87th), Arts & Humanities (89th).

In only about other international league tabular array "Ranking Web of World universities", Universidad de Sevilla is ranked 1st inwards Espana in addition to 116th inwards the the world (July 2011), followed yesteryear Universidad Complutense de Madrid (127th), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (145th), Universidad de Granada (158th), Universitat de València (172nd), in addition to Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (187th).

 * Next: Top MBA Programs inwards Spain

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