Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top-Up Flat Inwards Sport

The next United Kingdom of Great Britain too Northern Ireland of Britain too Northern Republic of Ireland universities offering top-up score programmes inwards the plain of sport:

University of Brighton - The Sport too Fitness (top-up) BSc (Hons) programme develops the skills too specialist cognition appropriate for careers inwards sports preparation too coaching, or practise too health. Employment opportunities include fitness instruction, personal trainers, coaching, sports scientific discipline support, wellness advertisement too sports development.

University of Salford - The BSc (Hons) Sports Development top-up score is for those who stimulate got completed the Foundation Degree inwards Sports Development, or who stimulate got an equivalent qualification. This course of instruction tin hand notice last taken over 1 twelvemonth full-time or two years part-time too comprises 4 nub modules too 1 optional module.

University of Central Lancashire - The i twelvemonth acme upward BSc (Hons) Sport too Exercise Physiology score is specifically designed to render an intellectually challenging programme of educational activity for holders of a Higher National Diploma or Foundation Degree inwards areas related to Sports/Exercise Science. The course of instruction contains a residuum betwixt theoretical lectures, directed practicals too independent learning. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 multifariousness of assessment methods are used including coursework, example studies, presentations, examinations too reflective portfolios.

The University of Northampton - The one-year BA (Hons) Sport too Recreation Management (top-up) course of instruction aims to develop the learner's mightiness to synthesise too critically evaluate the major issues inwards sport too recreation management. Applicants volition stimulate got achieved or volition await to hit the HND or Foundation Degree inwards a related subject. Applicants would commonly last expected to hit at to the lowest degree 4 merit grades inwards their minute twelvemonth HND modules or stimulate got an equivalent Foundation Degree profile.

* Next: Top Up Social Work Degree

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