Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top Universities Inwards Jakarta

Following are unopen to of the pinnacle ranked universities located inward Djakarta (Indonesia):

Universitas Republic of Indonesia (UI) - It is i of the pinnacle best universities inward the world, ranked 236th inward the QS World University Rankings 2010. In the QS Asian Top Universities ranking 2011, University of Republic of Indonesia is ranked 50th house inward Asia. The University builds potent cooperation with other pinnacle universities such every bit Washington University, Tokyo University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, Leiden University, Erasmus University, Kyoto University, Peking University, etc.

Atma Jaya Catholic University of Republic of Indonesia - According to a survey yesteryear GlobeAsia Magazine (2008), Atma Jaya was ranked tertiary alongside all soul universities inward Indonesia. According to a survey conducted yesteryear Tempo magazine inward Oct 2003, the Faculty of Law of Atma Jaya Catholic University ranked favorite constabulary schoolhouse inward Jakarta, later on its University of Republic of Indonesia in addition to Trisakti University counterparts.

Tarumanagara University - It is ranked 29th inward the Earth in addition to 2553rd inward the world, according to the Ranking Web of World Universities inward July 2011. Tarumanagara University is i of the oldest soul universities inward Indonesia.

Trisakti University - It is i the largest soul universities inward Indonesia. The University is ranked 36th inward the Earth in addition to 3427th inward the world, according to the 2011 academy spider web ranking.

* Next: Best Universities inward Indonesia

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