Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Best Catholic Universities

Following are to a greater extent than or less of the best Catholic universities inwards the world:

University of Notre Dame (Australia) - It is Australia's commencement Catholic university, providing a high aeroplane of person 3rd teaching inside the context of Christian values. Notre Dame has been awarded a 5-star rating for graduate satisfaction inwards the Good Universities Guide for 4 years running (2003, 2004, 2005 as well as 2006).

Australian Catholic University (ACU) - Economics as well as environmental scientific discipline at ACU received the transcend rankings for Teaching Quality, Generic Skills of its graduates as well as Overall Student Satisfaction inwards the Good Universities Guide for 2011.

St. Francis Xavier University (Canada) - Maclean's Magazine has ranked St Francis Xavier equally the transcend Primarily Undergraduate academy inwards Canada for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 as well as 2006.

University of Montreal (Canada) - It is ranked 5-6th inwards Canada as well as 101-150th inwards the footing according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2010, ahead of other leading Canadian universities such equally University of Waterloo, Queen's University, The University of Western Ontario, etc.

University of Sherbrooke (Canada) - Ranked amid the world's transcend 500 institutions (ARWU 2010). It is a French-speaking establishment situated inwards the southern business office of Quebec.

Pontifical Catholic University of Republic of Chile (PUC) - It is 1 of Chile's oldest universities as well as 1 of the almost recognized educational institutions inwards Latin America. The University is ranked 331st inwards the footing (QS World University Rankings 2010).

Catholic University of Korea - It is a leading Roman Catholic establishment of higher teaching inwards South Korea.

Tilburg University (Netherlands) - The Faculty of Economics as well as Business Administration was ranked 1st inwards Europe for the minute consecutive fourth dimension inwards 2007 according to the Journal of the European Economic Association amongst visit to publications inwards transcend journals.

Catholic University of Portugal - The Catholic University score inwards Business is rated the best inwards Portugal as well as inwards the Top xx inwards Europe, according to the Financial Times academy league tabular array inwards 2007.

University of Santo Tomas (Philippines) - The UST Faculty of Medicine as well as Surgery was ranked equally the solely Asian medical schoolhouse to endure inwards the transcend 10 listing of unusual medical institutions past times the U.S. Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates inwards 2007.

De La Salle University (Philippines) - It is ranked amid the world's best 500 institutions inwards the QS World University Ranking 2010. Additionally it is inwards the global transcend 300 for Life Sciences (rated 292nd).

Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan) - It is ranked amid the world's best 600 institutions inwards QS World University Rankings 2010.

* Suggested Reading:

Top Land Grant Universities

America's Best Christian Colleges

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