Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top Schools For Latin American Studies

Following are around of the tiptop schools too colleges for Latin American Studies program:

Princeton University - The Program inwards Latin American Studies (PLAS) is ane of the close dynamic units on campus, too ane of the nation's begin programs dedicated to Latin American expanse studies. The Program has associated faculty inwards African American Studies, Anthropology, Architecture, Art & Archaeology, Civil too Environmental Engineering, Comparative Literature, Ecology too Evolutionary Biology, etc.

Stanford University - The one-year Master of Arts plan inwards Latin American Studies is designed for highly qualified graduates who guide maintain previous sense working, living, or studying inwards Latin America. It besides offers a Minor inwards Latin American Studies for students inwards whatever major who would similar to found a complementary concentration on the region.

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) - The Program inwards Latin American Studies (PLAS) at JHU seeks to educate interdisciplinary agreement alongside faculty too students of the histories, cultures, societies too politics of countries inwards Latin America too the Caribbean.

Bucknell University - The Latin American Studies plan was established at Bucknell University inwards 1975, equally an interdisciplinary plan of expanse studies inwards the humanities too social sciences. The Program offers many opportunities for interaction too query with professors who accept a personal involvement inwards their students.

Tufts University - Latin American Studies Program at Tufts is an Interdisciplinary plan which encourages individuals to integrate the varying disciplinary perspectives of the arts, literature, social sciences, too history, along with the report of languages of the area, into a coherent persuasion of Latin America.

Pennsylvania State University - The Latin American Studies Program at Penn State offers an exciting too various undergraduate major. The marker is offered past times the College of Liberal Arts too includes courses inwards the departments of Anthropology, Economics, History, Political Science, too Castilian too Portuguese, equally good equally the Geography subdivision inwards the College of public too Mineral Sciences.

Yale College - The major inwards Latin American Studies is interdisciplinary too builds on a foundation of linguistic communication too literature, history, history of art, home studies, humanities, too the social sciences; its faculty is drawn from many departments too professional person schools of the University.

* Next: Top Colleges for Hispanics

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