Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Loyola Academy Novel Orleans

Loyola University New Orleans is a leading person Jesuit academy located inward New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

The University houses centers too institutes inward many unlike disciplines, including: Academic Resource Center; Center for Latin American too Caribbean Area Studies; Center for Environmental Communication; Center for Environmental Law too Land Use; Center for Intercultural Understanding; Center for International Education; Center for International Law Programs; Center for Music too Arts Entrepreneurship; Institute for the Study of Catholic Culture too Tradition; Institute of Environmental Communication; International Business Center; etc.

Loyola students convey been awarded Rhodes, Fulbright, British Marshall, Mitchell, Goldwater, too Boren National Security Education Program Scholarships, also every bit a Mellon Fellowship.

Loyola University New Orleans is accredited yesteryear the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges too Schools.

University Rankings:

- Loyola University New Orleans is ranked eighth amid Tier 1 Regional Universities (South) yesteryear the States News (2012).

- Ranked fifth inward Princeton Review's Best College Libraries 2010 list, along amongst Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, too Columbia.

- ranked Loyola 259th out of 569 schools inward its initiative listing of America's Best Colleges.

- Princeton Review ranked the College of Business too College of Law amid the nation's Best 296 Business Schools too Best 174 Law Schools inward 2009.

- 95th inward the the States News ranking of Best Graduate Nursing Program (2008).

- Loyola University New Orleans College of Law is placed inward the Third Tier of America's Best Graduate Schools inward the 2008 edition of U.S. News & World Report. According to the report, 100% of Loyola's College of Law graduates are employed ix months afterwards graduation.

- Rated Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 for its security tape too listed every bit i of the safest universities inward the solid position down yesteryear Reader's Digest inward 2008.

- Rated A+ for criterion long-term too underlying rating on issued bonds yesteryear Standard & Poor's.

- Featured inward the Princeton Review's annual listing of the Best 368 Colleges.

* Next: Loyola Marymount University Rankings

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