Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top Spanish Departments

Following are the meridian rated Castilian departments inward the United States:

Vanderbilt University - The Chronicle of Higher Education reported inward the Jan 12, 2007 termination that the Department of Castilian in addition to Portuguese at Vanderbilt University was ranked No. 1 every bit the well-nigh productive graduate programme inward the both Castilian in addition to Portuguese studies inward the province yesteryear The Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index, partly financed yesteryear the State University of New York at Stony Brook in addition to produced yesteryear Academic Analytics.

University of California, Davis - Ranked every bit the meridian Castilian subdivision inward the province inward 2008 inward faculty scholarly productivity (Chronicle of Higher Education). It is too ranked on the meridian 5% of Castilian Graduate Programs inward the province yesteryear the National Research Council (NRC) inward their 2010 latest assessment.

Indiana University Bloomington - The Department of Castilian in addition to Portuguese offers courses at all levels, uncomplicated through graduate, inward the language, literatures in addition to cultures of Kingdom of Spain in addition to Castilian America; Portugal, Brazil, in addition to Lusophone Africa; in addition to Catalonia. The subdivision is highly regarded inward national rankings. In the Gourman report, the Castilian undergraduate programme is ranked 11th (out of 479 undergraduate programs) inward the country

University of Virginia - The Castilian Department is ranked at the meridian alongside world universities, offering a wide diverseness of language, civilisation in addition to literature courses, leading to Bachelor's, Master's in addition to Doctoral degrees inward Castilian in addition to Castilian American studies.

Texas Tech University - The Department of Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures (CMLL) Castilian Program is ranked alongside the meridian U.S. programs yesteryear the National Research Council.

* Next: Distance Learning Castilian Degree

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