Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Top Astronomy Schools

Following are the summit schools too colleges for astronomy programs:

University of Texas at Austin
- The academy offers Astronomy programme to cook undergraduate students for farther didactics inwards graduate schoolhouse too many career paths spanning education, research, computing, authorities too journalism.
- The Department of Astronomy at UT Austin is i of the summit ten astronomy inquiry programs inwards the nation. The faculty members are alongside the worldwide leaders inwards cosmology, galaxies, stars, the interstellar medium, planets, the solar organisation too instrumentation.

University of California, Santa Cruz
- UCSC Department of Astronomy too Astrophysics offers an undergraduate youngster inwards Astrophysics, too collaborates with the Physics subdivision to offering an undergraduate major inwards Astrophysics.
- UC Santa Cruz is the summit ranking academy inwards the patch for the lineament of its inquiry inwards astronomy too astrophysics, according to a novel analysis of papers published inwards scientific journals too how oft those papers are cited past times other scientists ("The Science Impact of Astronomy Ph.D. Granting Departments inwards the United States").

Michigan State University (MSU)
- The Department of Physics & Astronomy at MSU is regarded equally i of the summit Physics too Astronomy departments inwards the nation. The National Research Council (1995) listed the Department inwards the summit 25% alongside U.S. graduate programs inwards Physics (32nd out of 147).
- It offers both the undergraduate too graduate programme inwards Astronomy too Astrophysics. The undergraduate programme is i of the largest inwards the country, too volition Pb to the Bachelor of Science flat inwards astrophysics.

University of Washington (UW)
- The 2001 National Doctoral Program Survey ranked the U.W. Astronomy Department No. 1 inwards the nation.
- The undergraduate programme inwards astronomy cook students for professional person graduate programs too to challenge students to railroad train their interests, talents, too responsibilities to society. The Department's graduate programme has a mix of observational, theoretical, too instrumental opportunities for students.

* Suggested Reading: Astrophysics/Astronomy Doctoral Ranking

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