Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering: Our Lady Of Holy Cross College (Olhcc)

Founded inwards 1916, Our Lady of Holy Cross College (OLHCC) is a liberal arts college located inwards New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. The College offers a diversity of undergraduate fields of study, graduate program, certification programs equally good equally online courses.

Our Lady of Holy Cross College is accredited past times the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges too Schools. The Department of Nursing is accredited past times the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. The Business Degree Program of Division of Applied, Natural, too Social Sciences are accredited past times the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. The School Counseling Program, Marriage too Family Counseling Program too the Community Counseling Program are accredited past times the Council for Accreditation of Counseling too Related Education Programs.

The Radiologic Technology Program is accredited past times the Joint Review Committee on Education too Radiologic Technology. The Respiratory Care Program is accredited past times the Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care. The Education Program is accredited past times the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

The College likewise holds memberships inwards the next organizations: American Association for Counseling too Development; American Association for Higher Education; American Association for Marriage too Family Therapy; American Association of Colleges of Nursing; American College Personnel Association; American Association of Colleges; Association of Catholic Colleges too Universities; Louisiana Association of College too University Student Personnel Administrators; Louisiana Association of Collegiate Registrars too Admissions Officers; Louisiana Association of Counseling too Development; Louisiana Association of Financial Aid Administrators; Louisiana Association of High School Relations Personnel; Louisiana Association for Independent Colleges too Universities; amidst others.

Our Lady of Holy Cross College was named 2011 Military Friendly School past times G.I. Jobs. The listing honors the superlative fifteen percentage of colleges, universities too merchandise schools which are doing the unopen to to covert America's veterans equally students.

* Next: Louisiana College Profile

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