Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Academy Of Nairobi- Starting Fourth Dimension Dates For 2014/15 Academic Year.

The University of Nairobi wishes to inform the next groups of students (Module I as well as integrated Module II) that the showtime dates for the 2014/2015 academic twelvemonth are every bit follows: A -      MONDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER, 2014
  1. 3rd, 4th, 5th as well as 6th years inwards the Faculties of Agriculture,
Veterinary Medicine; Schools of The Built Environment, Arts & Design, Engineering, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Computing & Informatics,
  1. 4th years inwards the Faculty of Arts, Schools of Business, Law,
Economics as well as I.A.G.A.S.
  1. 3rd years inwards the College of Health Sciences.
  1. 1st years (2012 K.C.S.E.) inwards the Faculty of Arts, Schools of Business, Law, Economics as well as I.A.G.A.S. to start out instant semester.
  1. All 2nd years (2011 K.C.S.E.) to start out instant semester.
B -       MONDAY, 5TH JANUARY, 2015
(i)         Level IV inwards the Schools of Pharmacy, Nursing Sciences as well as Dental Sciences.
(ii)        Levels IV as well as V inwards the School of Medicine (M.B.Ch.B.).
C -       MONDAY, 12TH JANUARY, 2015
3rd years inwards the Faculty of Arts, Schools of Business, Law, Economics as well as I.A.G.A.S
 2.         TUITION FEES
(i)         ALL MODULE I STUDENTS shall each pay tuition Fees of Kshs. 16,000/= per year, earlier or on the registration day, made upwardly every bit follows:
  1. Kshs. 8,000/- right away accuse for which needy students may apply for a Bursary from Higher Education Loans Board (H.E.L.B.).
  2. Kshs. 8000/- for which 1 may pay right away or apply for a loan from Higher Education Loans Board (H.E.L.B.).
                        Examination fees                                -           3000/- p.a.
                        Medical fees                                       -           2000/- p.a.
                        Activity fees                                        -           1000/- p.a.
                        Computer Laboratory Fees                -           3000/- p.a.
                        Students ID. Card                               -             500/- p.a.
                        Students Union Fees                          -             500/- p.a.
           The respective banking concern accounts per College are every bit hither under:
a)         College of Health Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Hurlingham Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 03-045 1039385.
b)         College of Agriculture as well as Veterinary Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Barclays Plaza Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 03-077 5053984.
  1. College of Architecture as well as Engineering – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Barclays Plaza Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 03-077-5053941.
  1. College of Humanities as well as Social Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westlands Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 03-073-1100217.
  1. College of Education as well as External Studies – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Barclays Plaza Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 03-077-5053917.
f)          College of Education as well as External Studies (Kenya Science Campus) – Republic of Kenya Commercial Bank, Moi Avenue Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 1107229030.
g)         College of Biological as well as Physical Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westlands Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 03-073-1100187.
Fees to hold out paid through a Bankers banking concern stand upwardly for inwards favour of University of Nairobi Enterprises as well as Services (UNES) LTD or Directly deposit of Cash inwards the : UNES /UON Collection Account at - Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westlands Branch, Nairobi draw concern human relationship set out 03-073-1021554.
Students should fill upwardly inwards Bank paying-in slips fully identifying themselves past times showing their names as well as reference numbers, as well as amounts paid.  The original deposit slip should hold out presented to University officials on registration.
For those students who wishing to purpose the accommodation facilities inwards the University’s Halls of Residence, they should apply online. 
            Cost of meals (Pay-As-You-Eat
            Cafeteria System)                              -           18,000.00 p.a.
6.         BOOKS
Students are advised to apply for a loan from Higher Education Loans Board if they require it, for upwardly to a maximum of Kshs. 9,000/- inwards honor of books as well as stationery.
All students are informed that all fees as well as other charges are payable at the showtime of the semester they are due.  No educatee shall hold out allowed into lectures, examinations or participate inwards activities which bring non been fully paid for.


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