Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Fees Construction For Universities

The fees construction for universities vary depending on the flat y'all are doing. However, generally, they are equally follows:

Regular Students- Kshs.40,000- Kshs.60,000 per academic year. However, if recommendations past times parliament are to endure adopted, too hence the fees for regular studnets volition endure charged equally per the unit of measurement toll of the course, which agency that medical, science, too applied scientific discipline students volition accept to pay more.

Parallel Students' fees depends on the course:

Arts too Science students pay on average Kshs. 80,000 to Kshs.120,000 per academic year. The fees for information technology too applied scientific discipline courses could endure equally high equally Kshs250,000 per academic year. The fees for
medical courses varies anywhere betwixt Kshs.450,000 too Kshs.650,000 per academic year.

The fee for private universities varies hugely betwixt the dissimilar private universities, exactly could endure betwixt Kshs.120,000 to Kshs400,000 per academic year.

Please banking enterprise notation that these fee structures are exclusively for advisory purposes. H5N1 prospective college studnet should contact the private academy for the fee structure.

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