Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Engineers Registration Board- How Create 1 Know If An Engineering Classify Is Registered Yesteryear The Erb?

Question: several eng. courses inwards diverse universities accept non been approved past times ERB but are silent existence taught,is it a adventure together with does this compromise the lineament of the same courses. Does ERB accept the mandate to disaprrove these courses? delight enlighten me.

Answer: It is truthful that exactly about engineering courses accept non been approved past times Engineers Registration Board.(ERB). The Universities affected include Kenyatta University, JKUAT, Egerton together with another Universities.

Kenyatta University is the nearly affected inwards this, every bit many novel engineering courses were introduced recently. ERB argues that exactly about courses are subsections of the mainstream engineering degrees, together with thus, should non locomote offered every bit a amount degree. ERB considers that the mainstream engineering courses are mechanical engineering, electrical together with electronics engineering, civil engineering together with Biosafety (Agricultural engineering). mechatronics engineering was besides added to that mix.

Now, ERB argues that such courses every bit electronics together with reckoner engineering, telecommunication and
Information Engineering,Geospatial engineering, reckoner engineering are but subsections of electrical together with electronics engineering.

It argues that such courses every bit issue energy engineering, mining engineering, materials engineering, marine engineering are but subsections of mechanical engineering.

However, exactly about are pointing out that ERB's refusal to register exactly about courses is but an attempt to safeguard the condition quo, together with lead house the quondam guard networks. Technology has changed then much together with it is difficult to empathize why ERB would turn down to register exactly about courses. For instance, telecommunications, issue energy together with the renewable issue energy sectors are fields that are growing rapidly, together with it is difficult to empathize why ERB would turn down to register such courses.

Granted, at that spot are exactly about Universities that accept started courses without whatever regard to quality, but I believe that should non warrant the excessive rule past times ERB. Some Universities accept since opted to alter their curriculum somewhat inwards lodge for their courses to locomote to a greater extent than aligned alongside what ERB demands.

It is of import for ERB to recognize a class simply because they are the ones who resultant the professional person certification. After you lot graduate from University, you lot simply larn an academic qualification. However, if you lot desire to locomote a existent engineer that practices inwards the field, you lot would accept to locomote registered past times ERB. This volition locomote of import inwards securing employment, since it helps differentiate betwixt you lot together with another quacks who pretend to locomote engineers. For example, if you lot are to locomote offered job inwards a companionship such every bit KenGen together with Republic of Kenya Power, you lot would accept to arrive at the academic score certificate together with the professional person certificate from ERB. Additionally, if you lot were to flora your ain engineering consultancy or firm, you lot volition postulate to locomote properly registered inwards lodge to win projects.

At the instant however, the Commission for Higher Education (CHE), is mediating betwixt the Universities together with ERB, amid other professional person bodies.

The job is non restricted to engineering alone, for instance, First twelvemonth Law students at Kisii University accept been told to await at habitation until LSK (Law Society of Kenya) approves the course.

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