Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program is a competitive grant programme of report for central of US graduates in addition to members of the Program that tin research, report or learn inwards the programme countries or the United States. It is considered i of the most prestigious programs inwards the footing in addition to operates inwards 144 countries. More Fulbright alumni guide keep won the Nobel Prize (including 2 Nobel inwards 2002) than whatsoever other academic program.

J. William Fulbright
The Fulbright ("Fulbright Program") Program is a programme of educational grants Fulbright -Associations ("Fulbright Fellowships") in addition to Fulbright ("Fulbright Scholarships" - sponsored yesteryear the Bureau of Educational in addition to Cultural Affairs ("Bureau of Educational in addition to Cultural Affairs ') of the USA Department of State, governments of other countries in addition to the soul sector.
The programme was born afterward the Second World War, on the initiatory of in addition to thence Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, alongside the promise that yesteryear promoting exchanges betwixt Americans in addition to citizens of other nations, the foundations of hereafter conflict would go eliminated to promote tolerance in addition to usual understanding.

The Fulbright Program provides funding for students, scholars in addition to professionals to undertake graduate study, advanced research, academy teaching in addition to teaching inwards simple in addition to secondary schools abroad. The initial reach of this programme focused on Europe, exactly straightaway the programme plant worldwide.

The programme is administered yesteryear 51 binational Fulbright Commissions, US embassies, in addition to partner organizations. His get-go participants traveled inwards 1948, funded yesteryear state of war reparations in addition to reimbursement of US unusual loans. Today, it is financed yesteryear funds from the Congress in addition to contributions from partner governments. The programme also receives pregnant fiscal back upwardly from academic institutions, foundations in addition to the soul sector.

The get-go exchanges took house inwards 1948 when 35 students in addition to a instructor traveled to the USA in addition to 65 Americans traveled abroad. Currently, inwards nearly lx years it has been running, to a greater extent than than 250,000 people guide keep participated inwards the Fulbright Program, including to a greater extent than than 100,000 Americans in addition to to a greater extent than than 150,000 citizens of other countries.

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