Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: From Bystander To Upstander: A Social App To Produce Good

UPDATE 02/25/14:  Sneha Jayaprakash, i of the students behind the app, was i of the winners of the 2013Microsoft YouthSpark Challenge for Change contest. She won a $10,000 abide by from the Microsoft Imagine Fund to farther prepare the app. (see inwards a higher house for her video proposal for the competition).

Want to know to a greater extent than almost opportunities to instruct practiced inwards your neighborhood? Want to instruct your friends involved? Soon, in that place volition live on an app for that, if a grouping of 7 figurer scientific discipline together with math majors at UC San Diego accept their way.
The students, led past times figurer scientific discipline major Sneha Jayaprakash, desire to do Bystander to Upstander, or B2U, a social app designed to enable users to initiate diverse changes inwards their community. Users tin do challenges, which are designed equally mini-games against other peers.

The students are looking for funding, concern ideas together with mentoring.

Check out the B@U spider web page here

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