Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Introduction To Figurer Programming - Figurer Programming - Me 4305

Subject: Computer Programming
Subject Code: ME 4305
Topic:  Introduction to Computer Programming
Ref. Book: Programming inward ANSI C
By due east Balagurusamy
Conducted By Saikat Dey
Lecturer:  Dept. of ME, UCTC.

Programming Language

*A sequence of precise instructions to computer.
*A programming linguistic communication is a linguistic communication that is used yesteryear a someone to limited a procedure yesteryear which a estimator tin laissez passer on the sack solve a problem
1) 1st Generation Language(1945): Machine Level Language.
2) sec Generation Language(1950): Assembly Language.
3) tertiary Generation Language(1960): FORTRAN, ALGOL,COBOL, C as well as etc. (High Level Language)
4) quaternary Generation Language(1970): Oracle, SQL. (Very High degree Language)
5) fifth Generation Language(1980): PROLOG, LISP. (Natural Language)

Translation Process

Source Code (human readable)
Translator (Assembler/Complier/Interpreter
Machine Language

Difference Between Compiler as well as Interpreter:

  1. Compiler takes entire programme every bit input where Interpreter takes Single instruction.
  2. Compiler takes large sum of fourth dimension to analyze the origin code but interpreter takes less.
  3. Compiler generates immediate object code which requires to a greater extent than retentivity as well as interpreter generates no immediate object code.
  4. Compiler generates the fault message alone later scanning the whole programme as well as Interpreter continues translating the programme until outset fault is met.
  5. Programming Language similar C, C++ role Compilers as well as Language similar MATLAB, Python uses Interpreter.

C Popular estimator linguistic communication of today!

The C programming linguistic communication was designed yesteryear Dennis Ritchie at Bell
Laboratories inward 1972 to assistance the UNIX operating system
Influenced by
  • ALGOL threescore (Group of Scientist,1960),
  • CPL (Cambridge, 1963),
  • BCPL (Martin Richard, 1967),
  • B (Ken Thompson, 1970)
  • Standardized inward 1989 yesteryear ANSI (American National Standards Institute) known every bit ANSI C
  • International measure (ISO) inward 1990 which was adopted yesteryear ANSI as well as is known every bit C89
  • As business office of the normal development procedure the measure was updated inward 1995 (C95) as well as 1999 (C99)
Compiler: Turbo C, Borland C, Microsoft C, Watcom C , Code Block

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