What is a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering?

What is a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering?

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering programs in mechanical engineering instruct students in the development, manufacturing, research and maintenance of mechanical systems. 

A Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering program includes internships or cooperative work/education assignments as well as intensive class projects. Programs are designed to be completed in four years, but some students require five years due to the extensive work requirements. A high school diploma or GED certificate is a general admission requirement, but some programs call for prerequisite college courses in chemistry, physics and mathematics. Mechanical engineers who offer services to the public must be licensed, and students should make sure any program they are considering is approved by ABET, which regulates engineering education programs.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Studies within the bachelor's mechanical engineering program often stem from the disciplines of mathematics, science and engineering. Students learn to test, troubleshoot, design, and repair industry equipment, instruments, appliances and vehicles. Some programs expect students to complete a senior design project, allowing them to gain experience in real-world mechanical engineering issues and showcase their knowledge. Course topics could include:
    Aerodynamics and circuits
    Fluid mechanics
    Thermal design and magnetism
    Energy laboratory
    Computer-aided design
    Mechanical vibrations and measurement analysis

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Popular Career Options
Graduates are qualified for opportunities in a variety of fields, such as manufacturing, chemical, automotive, defense, aerospace, or consumer product industries. They can apply their skills to employment in nanotechnology, turbine engines, power plant systems, environmental engineering, and the development of new materials. Job titles could include:
Design engineer
Project manager
Quality engineer
Structural engineer
Operations consultant

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Employment Outlook and Salary Information
Employment of mechanical engineers is expected in increase by 5% from 2014 to 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS also reported that the annual median salary of mechanical engineers was $83,590 in May 2015.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Continuing Education Information
Graduates can enhance their knowledge in the field by enrolling in graduate certificate or master's degree programs in mechanical engineering. Programs include coursework in subjects like microelectromechanics, composite materials, nanotechnology and design engineering. A graduate of a master's degree program can also apply to a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, which prepares graduates to enter an academic or research-based career in the field.

A Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering program allows students to study and get hands-on experience with the necessary engineering, science and math skills required to work as a mechanical engineer. Graduates can pursue graduate programs or employment as engineers in a variety of areas.

source: study.com

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