Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Terminology As Well As Price Inwards Gd&T - Modifiers - Serial 1


Modifiers are symbolic agency of communicating information on applied scientific discipline drawings.

Maximum Material Condition

Maximum cloth status (MMC) is the size of a characteristic of size inward a business office that contains the maximum total of material.

  • For an internal characteristic of size, the MMC size is the smallest allowable size.
  • For an external characteristic of size, the MMC size is the largest allowable size.

When the MMC modifier is used, it indicates that the specified tolerance applies when the feature of size is at the MMC size. As the size of the characteristic of size departs from the MMC size, the tolerance is increased past times the total that the size departs from the MMC size.

Internal & External characteristic of size

In each of the higher upwards instance the business office volition accept the maximum total of material.

GD&T symbols to which MMC applies.

  • Straightness (Axis)
  • Parallelism
  • Perpendicularity
  • Angularity
  • Position - Very Common

Reason for use

To ensure the ii parts never interfere. 

For this you lot should brand the MMC of the shaft is always less than the MMC of the hole, in addition to then you lot tin laissez passer on notice guarantee at that spot volition e'er last clearance betwixt the parts. 

Maximum Material Condition Modifier

Least Material Condition

Least cloth status (LMC) is the size of a characteristic of size inward a business office that contains the minimum total of material.

  • For an internal feature of size, the LMC size is the largest allowable size.
  • For an external feature of size, the LMC size is the smallest allowable size.

When the LMC modifier is used, it indicates that the specified tolerance applies when the feature of size is at the LMC size. As the size of the characteristic of size departs from the LMC size, the tolerance is increased by the total that the size departs from the LMC size.

Internal & External characteristic of size

In each of the higher upwards instance the business office volition accept the minimum amount of material.

Reason for use

To ensure the ii parts is e'er accept a contact or press gibe & no clearance. 

Gap betwixt a hole/slot in addition to border of a part

For this you lot should brand the LMC of the shaft is always larger than the LMC of the hole, in addition to then you lot tin laissez passer on notice guarantee at that spot volition e'er last a tight gibe betwixt the parts. 

Least Material Condition Modifier

Regardless of Feature Size

This is the implied condition. All tolerance applies at RFS past times default, which agency no symbol is needed. 

RFS Modifier

Let us reckon a uncomplicated instance in addition to apply all the higher upwards 3 conditions.


MMC Condition is applied

The geometric tolerance is applied at MMC characteristic of size. If the hole departs from MMC, additional tolerance is gained. Thus the geometric tolerance is applied to smallest size (MMC) of the hole, If the hole gets larger it gains additional tolerance to the position of the hole.

MMC Modifier is applied

LMC Condition is applied

The geometric tolerance is applied at LMC feature of size. If the hole departs from LMC, additional tolerance is gained. Thus the geometric tolerance is applied to largest size (LMC) of the hole, If the hole gets smaller it gains additional tolerance to the position of the hole.

LMC Modifier is applied

RFS Condition is applied

The geometric tolerance is implied at RFS. The size of the hole tin laissez passer on notice last any, the geometric tolerance remains the same.

RFS Modifier is applied


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