Bachelor of science in mechanical engineering: Virtual Status & Resultant Status - Holes & Pins

Virtual Condition

For a shaft that fits into a hole, the shaft virtual status must travel smaller than the hole virtual condition.

For an external characteristic of size such every bit a shaft, the virtual status is equal to the size at MMC plus the size of the set tolerance zone. 

Shaft alongside MMC applied

Shaft Virtual Condition

For an internal characteristic of size such every bit a hole, the virtual status is equal to the size at MMC minus the size of the set tolerance zone. 

Hole alongside MMC applied

Hole Virtual Condition

Since the shaft virtual condition is smaller than the hole virtual condition, the 2 parts volition always mate

Virtual status is extremely useful inward pattern of functional gauges. H5N1 functional guess made to virtual condition volition ensure that a component volition ever mate alongside its counterpart.

In summary, the agency to calculate virtual condition (VC) for a shaft together with hole is:

SHAFT VC = MMC Diameter + Position Tolerance Zone Diameter

HOLE VC = MMC Diameter - Position Tolerance Zone Diameter

Resultant Condition

For a internal characteristic of size, the resultant condition is the variable value together with outermost boundary.

For a external characteristic of size, the resultant condition is the variable value and innermost boundary.

The agency to calculate resultant condition (RC) for a shaft together with hole is:

SHAFT RC = AME - Total Tolerance

HOLE RC = AME + Total Tolerance

Whereas AME is Actual Mating Envelope &

Total Tolerance = Bonus Tolerance + Geometric Tolerance

Lets us watch a illustration written report for Virtual & Resultant condition.

Internal characteristic of size

Calculation Table Internal characteristic of size

External characteristic of size

Calculation Table External characteristic of size


Comparison Table for Internal Feature of size

Comparison Table for External Feature of size

Note : virtual condition together with resultant condition are applicable exclusively for specification alongside cloth condition. Therefore inward Regardless of characteristic size ( RFS ), the like substitute are inner together with outer boundary


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